This should create a clone of the Knowledge-Base
repository in your local machine.
Now you can go to the file location in your computer where you have cloned the Knowledge Base
You can create contents for this site as a Markdown file(.md) inside the pages folder in Knowledge Base
You can use softwares like Typora for creating & editing markdown files. Documentation on Markdown syntax can be found here.
Once you are done with writing/updating your section, you can commit your changes and push the changes to the Github using your Github Desktop client. Now inform the Senior Investigator who is in charge of this site. He/She will build and publish the updates.
If you are not contributing for the first time, always fetch from the cloud and make sure everything is in-sync with the cloud, before beginning to work on the documentation.
This site was built using Franklin.jl. If you want to know how to build & publish from your side, please refer to the documentations here