Getting Started in Julia
Resources for
(If you are new to programming)
- Julia Installation & Setup (Part of Introduction to Julia Machine Learning book)
Intermediate Programmers
(If you are proficient in Python/MATLAB/R)
[Cheatsheet] Comparison of basic statistics/linear algebra in Python/Julia/MATLAB
[Official Documentation] Julia’s noteworthy differences from other languages
[MIT Opencourseware] Introduction to Computational Thinking
[Online Book & Lectures] Introduction to Parallel Computing and Scientific Machine Learning
Advanced Programmers
(If you have developed APIs and software in other languages)
Packages for Computational Modeling
You can search through the list of all registered julia package here.
- List of packages for basic modeling (Linear Models, Clustering, Hypothesis Testing, etc.)
- Mainstream Machine Learning
- ScikitLearn.jl
- [Learning Resource] Sudheesh, A. (2022). Introduction to Julia Machine Learning
- MLJ.jl
- ScikitLearn.jl
- Neural Networks
- List of packages for all sorts of optimization
- Differential Equations based Modeling
- Bayesian Inference & Probabilistic Programming
- Probablistic Graphical Models
- BayesNet.jl
- JunctionTrees.jl
- Markov Decision Process POMDPs.jl